
Spiritual Truth, Yes, But Also Physical Reality Truth Inspired Me to Author My Novels (Part Two: the Nineties, Being Hit With the Truth on Evil Agendas)

Last week, I stated Part Two of this Physical Reality series would deal with who or what controls this world for evil purposes and how my novels play into that. That implies that slowly, but surely, I was being ‘red pilled’ so-to-speak in learning through research and various alternative media of the day (mostly alt radio and magazines/newspapers) just who or what was promoting and bringing about the more obvious evil that seemed to be ruling the world, and it really began in the 1990s. Ruby Ridge, and Waco, as well as President George HW Bush giving a speech about the coming of ‘the new world order.’ Bush signing into law that all babies born in hospitals MUST receive a Social Security Number at birth—which was a major reason we had our daughter at home: WE, not the government, will decide when she gets a SSN! And then the Clintons… Bill Clinton in some presidential campaign speech made the most ridiculous statement I had ever heard in an election campaign and caused me to decide no way was I voting for him: he said, “I smoked marijuana but didn’t inhale.” What a grandiose LIE! If you smoke a joint or a blunt or from a pipe or hash pipe it is a foregone conclusion that you inhaled, period! Same with cigarettes…smoke-inhale. And why would he even state he smoked an illegal substance to begin with? It was during the Clinton Presidency that the so-called ‘patriot movement’ or ‘militia movement’ came about with magazine or alt-newspaper posts or radio posts exposing who controls banking (such as the Rothschilds, who my character Baron Torquay-Lambourgeau is based on), what controls governments (intel agencies, military-industrial-complex, the UN and more, secret societies–Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, so-called ‘Illuminati,’ and more) and various occultic spin-offs (such as upper-level Freemasonry…a friend of mine was lower-level but he spoke truth about the upper levels, plus he worked for the DEA and exposed their drug-running ops as well after he retired…and various satanic groups, including one started by Aleister Crowley, but I’ll get more into his satanic crap in Part Three, and the Lucis Trust among others…Lucis meaning Lucifer).

And then there is the Bible: the Book of Genesis gets heavy into those rulers of the day and why God had to do something (Noah’s Flood) to get rid of the evil back then…which came back later with the Tower of Babel and Nimrod, who tried to “ascend into heaven” so-to-speak while trying to rule the world…until God confounded the languages! Then later, during Abraham’s time, Sodom and Gomorrah, where the word “sodomy” comes from, anal sex and more depravities…so God had to destroy these places as well. And really, the so-called “elites” “ruling” the world now are no different than those ruling the world then: they are evil, depraved, hate God and Christ and love money, power, and control, period. Love? They have none or almost none…with a few exceptions (Amschel, the son of Victor Rothschild, who loved his wife and children is one exception, but he got ‘murder-ruled’ over it several years ago…it was not death by suicide!).

So, the keynote is the desire and agenda of the ‘rulers of this world’ for money, power, and control, and that agenda is why my novel evil characters (Torquay-Lambourgeau and others, including new age-satanic cult leaders) are exposed as evil characters who are under the spiritual guidance of my Satanic-character, Corion.

The tip of the iceberg, however, was when I read former CIA operative John Coleman’s magnum opus, “The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.” Supposedly, this committee which includes royals and other aristocrats, and oligarchs and “deep state” type operatives as well as leaders in social sciences like psychology—the Tavistock Institute plays a leading role as well as MK Ultra brainwashing intel agency type programs. Because this book also included Tavistock and more evil signs relating to popular culture and the 1960s sex-drugs-rock n’ roll agenda for the youth of my generation (so-called Boomers), it certainly influenced my novels. This is the non-fiction must-read book for any interested in how culture and society and politics and more after WW2 came about.

Bear in mind also that all of this truthful information from the alternative media of the day with some smatterings from the mainstream media was available to me into the mid-90s and even into the latter 90s…before I even had access to the internet! We didn’t get internet into late 1998, and of course, it was dial-up, and slow as molasses! By then, the first two of my trilogy novels (Battle of the Band and The Prophesied Band) had already been published. This will explain why the third novel, The Prodigal Band, has much more detail about this evil agenda and the consequences of either buying into it or, after wising up to it, leaving ‘the plantation’ and then refusing to ‘toe the line.’ Which led to my spin-off novel, The Murder Rule.

Next week, hopefully, I will post Part Three, which mostly deals with this effect on the music and entertainment and pop culture industries.

Use the menu above to read snippet posts of the novels, download the FREE PDF The Prodigal Band as well as the FREE PDF The Murder Rule, and more. Cheers!


Spiritual Truth, Yes, But Also Physical Reality Truth Inspired Me to Author My Novels (Part One: The Beginning, the Teen Years)

While I had occasionally listened to transistor radio in the pre-teen years which played rock music mostly from American singers or bands such as the Four Seasons and Elvis Presley and Dion and the Belmonts and more (acts that my older brother liked), it was the Beatles and the so-called ‘British Invasion’ beginning in 1964 that hooked me to rock music (same with all my friends and classmates). Yes, the American acts continued to make hit songs, but it was the Brit bands and singers that ‘owned’ rock radio stations and record sales starting in 1964.

It was around this time I created what would become my novel characters, boys and girls, teens, in a high school clique which evolved into a gang of sorts. At this time the characters were Americans; after all, I knew little about England, so how could these ‘kids’ be English? I watched movies set in what was 1950s and 1960s England (mostly London), but still… However, reading pop culture ‘fan’ magazines, including one from England I don’t remember the name of, helped me learn what being a teen in England was like (living in cities, not the rural areas…I myself lived near New York City, in the Long Island suburbs). Also, during the latter 60s England was going through economic turmoil, possibly joining what was called ‘the Common Market’ (consisting of France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg), and changing the currency somewhat (the value of the British Pound Sterling had been over five dollars per pound, but it devalued to about half of that over time as the US dollar gained value). Further, a politician named Enoch Powell was heading up a form of nationalism that wanted to end or curtail immigration from India and Pakistan (and his followers were called ‘Paki Bashers’). All this during the US incursion into the Vietnam War, which I hated! (I hate war, period!) This terrible war was another reason I decided to make my characters Brits-while the US was at war, Britain was not—and many songs from these Brit bands were antiwar.

Continue reading “Spiritual Truth, Yes, But Also Physical Reality Truth Inspired Me to Author My Novels (Part One: The Beginning, the Teen Years)”


Spiritual Truth, Yes, But Also Physical Reality Truth Inspired Me to Author My Novels

In the previous post titled “Leaving Spiritual Emptiness Behind” citing the spiritual reasons for writing all of my novels, I state that overcoming spiritual emptiness was a major factor. All of the major book characters, especially in The Prodigal Band Trilogy novels, had to overcome spiritual emptiness, and they did by accepting Christ as Lord and Savior and Redeemer as well as partaking in their ‘missions of God.’ At the same time, physical reality emptiness was also overcome as they all began to live in the real world and left behind the staged-celebrity-persona ‘world’ as they became husbands and fathers and (as to the main female characters) mothers and family-oriented men and women with a more traditional bent.

Continue reading “Spiritual Truth, Yes, But Also Physical Reality Truth Inspired Me to Author My Novels”


Leaving Spiritual Emptiness Behind:  Another Reason I Was Inspired to Author The Prodigal Band Trilogy Novels

Happy Resurrection Day, aka Easter. And sorry, trannies, I am not honoring Brandon’s “Transgender Day” or whatever he’s calling it… I do Christ, not politics!

But in honor of my Lord and Savior and Redeemer’s arising from the dead or grave days after His crucifixion and burial, I will state another reason I was inspired to write the three novels that make up The Prodigal Band Trilogy. Having been laid spiritually empty on some occasions beginning in the early 70s when I was trying to ‘find myself,’ and also having experienced some spiritual emptiness in the 90s (dealing with New Agers had something to do with that), I had to incorporate spiritual emptiness within my main characters—the band members as well as their women—because they had to overcome this spiritual emptiness as I was overcoming it. Thus, the novels aren’t just about the journey of the band and women out of spiritual satanic-like darkness into the Light of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 Parable of the Prodigal Son, but are also based on my own journey from spiritual emptiness to spiritual fulfillment and happiness and without fear (think of that line from Dune here: “fear is the mind killer.” © 1965 Herbert Properties LLC).


I do not remember the exact date some spiritual entity ‘spoke’ into my mind that I had to begin the novel series—get the characters I had created in the late 60s out of my head at last—but it was in October, and I think the year was 1993. So, while mothering a baby girl and also raising a toddler boy, I began writing what I knew of the story of my rock band characters. But, as I was writing the book that would later be called Battle of the Band, I realized the plot and theme were, well, spiritually empty! Yes, they were into the ‘sex, drugs, and rock and roll’ lifestyle, but that rock star lifestyle would, by the mid-90s, drag them and their women as well into addictions, alcoholism, sexual perversion, and personalities that were empty shells of their former selves. In other words, spiritual emptiness and even suicidal behavior. The climax to end the novel has two of the band members nearly dying of heart attacks as the rest of the band and women live in fear of their passing—until God’s spirit beings dispense with the evil ones and guide the two out of death spirals and guide also their watchers: the novel ends with them realizing they have to change their ‘riotous living’ ways! This event takes place in the second novel, The Prophesied Band, where, at the climax, they were given their ‘missions of God,’ because they were ready for these missions…well, almost. In The Prodigal Band to end the trilogy, they do ‘missions on themselves’ so-to-speak: they accept Christ as Lord and Savior, which guides them into completing their missions they were given. The spiritual emptiness had been overcome, first by witnessing and partaking in a miracle, and then later witnessing another life-saving miracle.

So that, in completing the trilogy, spiritual fulfillment took a hold of me beginning in late February, 1997, when I witnessed my own personal ‘shining’ so-to-speak, which inspired me to complete my own authoring ‘mission.’ That is why, on this day, Resurrection Day, I wish spiritual fulfillment on all who read this post. Blessings!


Why All of My Novels Contain Spirit-Being Characters, Fictitious or Not

Allow me to sum up the answer to this ‘why’ question in one simple sentence: My novels contain ‘spirit-beings,’ whether angels or demons or other spirit-beings, because the theme of ‘Good vs. Evil’ is paramount in my novels. That is, ‘the Creator’ (aka God) and His angels and a part-human/part spirit being battling against the satanic character Corion and his demons (and those evil human characters that allow the evil to control them for power and money and control over Earth) for the souls of my prodigal band characters, their women, and more.

If one is going to write a novel based on ‘good vs. evil,’ spirit-beings (in my opinion) must be included. The beings in question likely depend on the religion themed in the novel. Any Christian-oriented novel likely contains at least a mention of and various Bible quotes by Christ, while some (The Shack for instance) contain various angelic characters.

Continue reading “Why All of My Novels Contain Spirit-Being Characters, Fictitious or Not”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Five (Part Two)

This is a continuation of the previous post of Talent For A Mission, Chapter Five, Part One. Below is Chapter Five, Part Two, the final part of the final chapter of Talent For A Mission, © 2024 Deborah Lagarde. Part One deals with using characters, personalities and roles, and knowledge of national characteristics and the possibility that some target readers has been involved with cults. This final post opens with the possibility that maybe, just maybe, some target readers are members of families some like to call ‘the elites.’ Part Two is below.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Five (Part Two)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Five (Part One)

I decided to split up Chapter Five of Talent For A Mission into two parts for this site. This first part would seem obvious to most authors, using suggestions that, again, would seem obvious to any writer trying to get their readers to consider accepting Christ. But the second part, to be posted next week or the week after, might surprise some authors, but the suggestions there ought to be considered anyway, for it is not just ‘making disciples of all nations,’ but all peoples, even those at the so-called ‘top of the food chain.’ Further, the end of the chapter emphasizes why using talent for your ‘mission’ in these perilous times is paramount. Part One is below, © 2024 Deborah Lagarde.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Five (Part One)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Five)

Chapter Four of Talent For A Mission ends with the final verses of Luke 15: 25-32 of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, where the brother of the prodigal son, who has always been faithful to his father and has always done the work his father required, becomes angry with the father because his “lost” and “riotous living” younger brother, upon returning to his father, is feted with a fatted calf—while this always faithful son was NEVER treated with such a reward! So this older brother gets on his dad’s case for this “royalty” treatment to a wayward brother who wasted his inheritance when he could have not wasted it.

Below are the verses from Luke 15:25-32—

{15:25} Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.

{15:26} And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.

{15:27} And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

{15:28} And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.

{15:29} And he answering said to [his] father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:

{15:30} But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

{15:31} And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.

{15:32} It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

To sum up, the elder son is angry because the younger ‘prodigal’ son is getting a hefty “fatted calf” reward just because he gave up the “riotous” lifestyle and returned to his father, a hefty reward father never had given to him. One would think the elder son would be thrilled his younger brother gave up that wasteful lifestyle and returned to his father after learning the negative consequences of that wasteful lifestyle.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Five)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Four)

This post, Part Four of Chapter Four of Talent For A Mission, covers Luke 15: 20-24 about “returning to the father.”

{15:20} And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

{15:21} And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

{15:22} But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put [it] on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on [his] feet:

{15:23} And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill [it;] and let us eat, and be merry:

{15:24} For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

In other words, the six members of the prodigal band, having been given “missions of God” by God’s angels, the Tooters, “returned to the father.” For, in order to do their “missions of God,” they had to “return to God.” Further, in order to “make merry” and “be found” after years of being “lost” (since “prodigal” means “lost” in this context), they had to repent of their many and grave sins and accept Christ as Lord and Savior and Redeemer, the “rewards” being an eternity in Heaven with their “father,” not an eternity with the satanic Corion “gnawing their bones forever.”

The other “reward” was that, with their jet having had a bomb placed within a cabin seat by a minion of evil, they were taken out of the jet right before the bomb went off, and then existed in a timeless white void where they would make their fateful decisions regarding their “missions.”

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Four)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Three)

Note: This is a continuation of the previous post, Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Two), which I had to split into two parts (Two and Three) since the post would have been quite long had I not split it.

Throughout the remainder of The Prophesied Band all six members go on their journey to find their true selves after their Asia-Pacific Island tour ends; being fathers and husbands, vacations in various places with friends, family, or both, partaking in projects to discover the meaning of some songs or some historical figure one of them was obsessed with, and one of them, synthist Bry, trying to unite with wife and children again after a separation. Upon certain truths being revealed and discoveries made to them, their ‘father’ (that is, God) tells His agents, the angels known as the Tooters and their own agent, Morwenna, the ‘witch of the Hovels,’ to set the band on the course of becoming ‘hired servants,’ letting them know that they are about to make their decision about their ‘mission of God’ which is revealed to them in the final Chapter Ten of The Prophesied Band. Here are Luke 15:18-19 about becoming ‘hired servants’:

{15:18} I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,

{15:19} And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Three)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Two)

In the previous post dealing with Part One of Chapter Four of Talent For A Mission, I posted how The Prodigal Band Trilogy used the three novels within the trilogy to encapsulate the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 Parable of the Prodigal Son. The first of the trilogy novels, Battle of the Band, relates to the first three verses of the parable: how the ‘riotous living’ of the six members of a top-rated late-80s and 90s rock band ‘wasted’ their lives and true selves, which led to heart attacks of two of the band members in the novel’s climax, leading them to realize they needed to ‘change their ways.’

In Part Two, I will post how the second novel of the trilogy, The Prophesied Band, shows and tells them giving up their ‘wasted ways’ as a beginning to them ‘returning to their father.’ This novel climaxes with the spirits of Good telling them how they will accomplish this ‘return.’ But they still have real issues they’ll have to deal with, as did the prodigal son, as seen in the continued parable below. Part Three deals with what those spirits of Good tell them so that they can choose, or not choose, to ‘return to their father.’ Since I did not want to make this post very long, I will post this ‘spirits of Good’ part right before Christmas.

Part One featured Luke 15:11-13. Part Two features Luke 5:14-17, below—

{15:14} And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.

{15:15} And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.

{15:16} And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

{15:17} And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

I will only feature one snippet showing the spiritual “hunger” the six band members experience due to their “riotous living” and the consequences, both physical and spiritual, of that lifestyle. In Chapter Four of The Prophesied Band, band singer Erik and bassist Keith—who nearly died of heart attacks in the final climax chapter of Battle of the Band, realize the “hunger” for meaningful lives as not only members of ‘the band of the 90s,’ but as husbands and fathers, as well as their true selves outside of the celebrity spotlights—for they both know it will take a bit of time to physically recover (and later, they have their Asia-Pacific Island tour rescheduled over it). They discuss this “hunger” while recovering in a private hospital in the town they grew up in, Walltown.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part Two)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part One)

Folks, this trilogy is called The Prodigal Band Trilogy for a reason! And the reason is this: the parable within the Gospels spoken to the Apostles by Christ Himself that gave the most inspiration to this trilogy was the Parable of the Prodigal (Lost) Son within the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15. This parable has been, during my entire life, one of my favorite parables. My other two favorite parables have also been referenced in my Biblical References Snippet posts—the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard and the Parable of the Talents. All three work together to impart my mission message, but it made more sense to me, what with my trilogy about a rock band that gains fame and fortune but loses their ‘souls’ so to speak, to call this the Prodigal Band Trilogy, where the ‘prodigal band’ meets (spiritually) the ‘prodigal son.’

Before I go on and repeat posting parts of the Parable of the Prodigal Son which was posted in Chapter Three, let me explain the meanings of prodigal and prodigy. The ‘prodigal son’ is ‘lost’ because of wasteful extravagance. He is wasting his ‘inheritance,’ or (in the case of my prodigal band members) ‘talents.’ Three of the band members, singer Erik, bassist Keith, and keyboard synthist Bry, are also child prodigies, possessing ‘extraordinary talent’ at singing and music playing as children through inheritance from ancestors. Instead of throwing their given talents into classical music or opera singing where they could make good incomes, they instead choose rock stardom, as they could then acquire extravagant fame and especially fortune. And we all know the lifestyles of rock stars, right? Sex, drugs, and rock and roll…

In part one of this “prodigal son meets prodigal band” set of posts is explained the first part of the parable, verses 11 through 13, the ‘riotous living’ part, and Chapter Six of Battle of the Band is loaded with these scenes. The prodigal band is partying at an estate outside of the fictitious California coastal city of Richmont, which is considered a hotbed of occultism. The estate called Hellside Horror House is owned by a horror TV channel couple that host a horror TV show, Andre` and Cheetah. Along with the band are fellow rockers, celebrities and groupies that are also witches.

Here is the parable in the Gospel of Luke chapter 15, verses 11-13, “the riotous living” part, and then three snippets from the first trilogy novel, Battle of the Band.

{15:11} And he said, A certain man had two sons:

{15:12} And the younger of them said to [his] father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth [to me.] And he divided unto them [his] living.

{15:13} And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Four (Part One)”


Talent For A Mission: Chapter Three

Chapter Three of Talent For A Mission (© 2023 Deborah Lagarde) is posted in its entirety in this post since it is a short chapter and is based on the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 Parable of the Prodigal Son that my The Prodigal Band Trilogy is based upon. Below is the entire Chapter Three of Talent For A Mission:

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission: Chapter Three”


Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two (Part Three)—My Personal ‘Why’ Continued—Why Fiction?

In this continuation of Chapter Two of Talent For A Mission (© 2023 Deborah Lagarde), I explain why I have used fiction to carry out my own ‘mission of God’ instead of non-fiction…with this non-fiction ‘guide’ being an exception, so far. Below is Part Three of the ‘why’ scenario in Chapter Two:

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two (Part Three)—My Personal ‘Why’ Continued—Why Fiction?”


Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two (Part Two)—My Personal ‘Why’ Continued, A ‘Born Again’ Event

I know this post is a bit late, but things happen. Below is a continuation of the previous post from Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two, copyright © 2023 Deborah Lagarde, which tells why I chose to believe on Christ.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two (Part Two)—My Personal ‘Why’ Continued, A ‘Born Again’ Event”


Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two (Part One)–My Personal “Why”

This next post from Talent For A Mission (copyright 2023 Deborah Lagarde) is from Chapter Two and goes into some detail as to why I chose to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior–and Redeemer. Why redeemer? Because as with all humans beginning with Adam and Eve having been tempted by “the serpent” aka Satan to commit sin, that sin or sins–and remember, all humans fall short of the glory of God except for Christ as human–provide a “debt” so-to-speak that must be repented, then pardoned or paid-in-kind in order to reach Heaven to be with God. When Christ shed blood on the cross as a sacrifice, it was to REDEEM all sins of all people who repented of their sins and accepted Christ as Redeemer along with Savior. And, in this part one of Chapter Two, I explain some of the sins I did that had to be redeemed through repentance. And these weren’t typical sins, either, but serious ones in my opinion! But here is the weird aspect of this–while doing these sins, God STILL had my back and saved me from some possible death scenarios! And one wonders why I accepted Christ? Hmmm…

Below is the first part of Chapter Two, which is rather long and will be posted in three parts over November.

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission, Chapter Two (Part One)–My Personal “Why””


Talent For A Mission, Chapter One (Part Two)…The Why, Continued

I am posting the rest of Chapter One of Talent For A Mission today, Saturday, October 28, 2023 because my area will experience sudden winter-snow-freezing weather the last three days of October, and the power or the internet may go out. Further, it seems that the so-called “end times” are approaching faster and faster what with the Israel-Hamas-Middle East war and rumors of wars…a saying within the Bible Book of Revelation and also Gospels. Thus perhaps–folks, I do not trust the media, legacy or alternative anymore–the time is fast approaching where true believers on Christ must decide to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ And I must get this treatise or guide or whatever completed soon and then post on this site. From Chapter One of Talent For A Mission, copyright © 2023 by Deborah Lagarde:

So, below is the rest of Chapter One:

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission, Chapter One (Part Two)…The Why, Continued”


Talent For A Mission, Chapter One (Part One)…The Why

I am only providing, in this post, “the why” for this “guide” or “manual” as to why I think it might be a good idea for authors who claim to believe on Jesus Christ to use their writing “talent” to try to convince others of their own free will to repent of whatever sins and accept Christ as Lord and Savior–to be “born again.” That is, having been born of water (in the flesh), to be born “again” in the Spirit. And now is the time for me to present this “guide,” for it seems more and more as if the world has gone crazy, especially now with wars and rumors of wars in the Middle East. To the point where many preachers are now claiming we are either in “the end times” or fast approaching “the end times.”

Maybe. Maybe not. But whether we are coming close to “the end times” or not, it is still a good idea to follow what Christ told His Apostles upon His resurrection return (before going up to Heaven):  to make Disciples of all nations (as said in Matthew 28:19–“Go ye therefore and teach all nations…”). A “mission of God” so-to-speak. From Chapter One of Talent For A Mission, copyright © 2023 by Deborah Lagarde:

Continue reading “Talent For A Mission, Chapter One (Part One)…The Why”


Coming Next: Talent For A Mission

I am still working on completing Talent For A Mission, which is a manual or guide or encouragement…call it what you will…for Christian authors of (mostly) fiction novels or stories or short novels to use the “talent” God gave them to get the Word out about why one should consider or choose or ‘re-choose’ accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. To do what Christ (after His resurrection) told His apostles to do–make disciples of all nations (at the end of the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 28, for one).

The Prodigal Band Trilogy is based on the Luke 15 Parable of the Prodigal Son. Talent for a Mission is based on another parable, the Parable of the Talents, from the Gospel of Matthew 25: 14-30 (from the King James Bible PDF version):

{25:14} For [the kingdom of heaven is] as a man
travelling into a far country, [who] called his own servants,
and delivered unto them his goods. {25:15} And unto one
he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to
every man according to his several ability; and straightway
took his journey. {25:16} Then he that had received the five
talents went and traded with the same, and made [them]
other five talents. {25:17} And likewise he that [had
received] two, he also gained other two. {25:18} But he that
had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his
lord’s money. {25:19} After a long time the lord of those
servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. {25:20} And so
he that had received five talents came and brought other five
talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents:
behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
{25:21} His lord said unto him, Well done, [thou] good and
faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I
will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the
joy of thy lord. {25:22} He also that had received two
talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two
talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
{25:23} His lord said unto him, Well done, good and
faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I
will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the
joy of thy lord. {25:24} Then he which had received the one
talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard
man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering
where thou hast not strawed: {25:25} And I was afraid, and
went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, [there] thou hast
[that is] thine. {25:26} His lord answered and said unto
him, [Thou] wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that
I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not
strawed: {25:27} Thou oughtest therefore to have put my
money to the exchangers, and [then] at my coming I should
have received mine own with usury. {25:28} Take therefore
the talent from him, and give [it] unto him which hath ten
talents. {25:29} For unto every one that hath shall be given,
and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not
shall be taken away even that which he hath. {25:30} And
cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness

In other words, if God gave an author the talent to author for His purpose, then that author ought to use that talent in writing, to “make disciples of all nations,” and for other purposes promoting good as opposed to evil, or for the purpose of exposing evil (using fiction or non-fiction). That is the purpose of my writing a ‘manual’ so-to-speak, to promote the idea that if an author believes on Christ, then that author should perform that ‘mission’ that God gave him or her.

The next post will be the first chapter of Talent For A Mission, which tells why a Christian author should take that ‘mission,’ and why I was inspired to write this ‘manual’ in the first place. Cheers!


The Murder Rule FREE PDF Download is Here!

It is October 3, 2023, and I have finally added The Murder Rule to the site as a FREE PDF download as well as added the “widget” to the novel on the right sidebar. Both the “about” page and the download page have been added-see menu above. Included in the “about” page (The Murder Rule FREE PDF) are links to excerpts from the first chapters of Parts One, Two, and Three to begin reading the novel. Soon, snippets from The Murder Rule will be added to the snippet page listing snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy as well. And hopefully as soon as possible (I have been very busy on various things lately including vehicle issues), the Omega Books blog will also be updated.



Putting Together The Murder Rule….and the Fun of It!

I am nearly finished with the final edit of The Murder Rule, and, when the edit and any other info that needs to be included is complete, it will become a downloadable FREE PDF and will also become copyright registered with the Library of Congress. That way, no AI mechanism can “re-write” this novel, and hackers, beware. When a literary work is registered with the Library of Congress, one can sue to copyright violator.

Update: The Murder Rule has been finalized and registered with the Library of Congress as a published work. The finished FREE PDF novel will be uploaded soon, and the menu above will link to where it can be downloaded.

There is some Biblical scripture in The Murder Rule, but the scripture is from the copyright-free Authorized King James Version, so no copyright violation issues there.

And another thing—a couple of parts of this novel have sections of previously copyrighted manuscripts; two parts are featured in Battle of the Band, and one part, Chapter Two of Part Three of The Murder Rule is (with some changes) featured in The Prodigal Band. This is already copyrighted material I have authored in the original trilogy novels, so I will have to mention this within The Murder Rule. After all, The Murder Rule is a “spin-off” novel from The Prodigal Band Trilogy novels. But since I own the copyright to these sections (most of which were revised somewhat in The Murder Rule), no issues there.

Let me explain why I chose certain “spin-off” scenarios from the trilogy when I could have chosen other parts.

Continue reading “Putting Together The Murder Rule….and the Fun of It!”


Excerpts from The Murder Rule, Part Three, Chapter One

This third set of excerpts from The Murder Rule is from Part Three, Chapter One and features narrator Lloyd Denholm, who was also the narrator of Part One. As with Part One, his X-Zine magazine pop-culture pundit ‘boss,’ ‘Cal.edit,’ gives Denholm an assignment regarding a ‘death’ of an important handler within the music industry. The assignment is to find out the truth about this ‘death,’ and who planned and committed the ‘death.’ Was the ‘death’ actually a murder? However, the e-mail actually came from ‘Cal.edit’s’ privacy-security head, Agent P, who had previously worked for British Intelligence, but then faked his own death. The ‘death victim’ mentioned in the e-mail is someone Denholm had met with in the past, which is one reason he was given the assignment. While many of the characters in Part Three are from England, a few key characters are from a fictitious Central Asian nation called Adabustan, a nation briefly mentioned in The Prophesied Band. The following excerpts are © 2023 by Deborah Lagarde.

Continue reading “Excerpts from The Murder Rule, Part Three, Chapter One”


Excerpts from The Murder Rule, Part Two, Chapter One

This second set of excerpts from The Murder Rule is from Part Two  and features narrator Bobby Jones, who tells his story about how he got involved as a rock band roadie, including his time with the band featured in The Prodigal Band Trilogy, and then how and why he joined two cults (one supposedly Christian, the other the new age Church of the Circle of Unity featured also in the trilogy and which sided with evil), and left the evil cult and was ‘punished’ over that move. Bobby also appears in Part One. Unlike Part One, though, most of the characters are Americans and most of the action takes place in the USA. The following excerpts are © 2023 by Deborah Lagarde.

In the first excerpt from Chapter One of Part Two of The Murder Rule, Bobby is phoning his parents as he needs their help.

Continue reading “Excerpts from The Murder Rule, Part Two, Chapter One”


Excerpts from The Murder Rule, Part One, Chapter One

I have completed my new novel, The Murder Rule, to be published by OmegaBooks likely in either September or October, 2023, and to be copyrighted by myself, Deborah Lagarde, and to be registered at the Library of Congress soon. The genres it will be registered under will be Adult Fiction, Drama, Suspense, Spiritual, and perhaps one other. Unless I change my mind and decide to sell it through an online platform (such as Amazon), The Murder Rule will be posted as a FREE PDF download at this site, as with The Prodigal Band, which has well over one thousand downloads since stats have been recorded starting in 2019.

During this month, August, 2023, I will be posting excerpts (© Deborah Lagarde) from Chapter One of each of the three parts to The Murder Rule. In subsequent months I might post excerpts from other chapters from Parts One, Two and Three. With the excerpts will come necessary details regarding these excerpts and how these excerpts play into the parts as a whole or stem from the three novels that make up The Prodigal Band Trilogy of which The Murder Rule is a “spin-off” novel. However, I will not post entire chapters–they can be read by downloading the entire FREE PDF of The Murder Rule, if one so chooses.

The first excerpt begins Chapter One and features Part One’s victim, rocker Denny Spradlin of the fictional band Wolfin, a ‘friend’ and ‘advisor’ that is visiting him, and the Part One narrator, pop-culture pundit Lloyd Denholm, who writes for X-Zine, a magazine edited by an editing team known as ‘Cal.Edit.’ All of the characters in this chapter (and most in Part One) are British, including the writer of the mentioned ‘hand-written letter.’

Continue reading “Excerpts from The Murder Rule, Part One, Chapter One”


Finalized Introduction to The Murder Rule

The Murder Rule is pretty much completed except for a final review and edit. The photo above, taken by myself during a visit in 2009 to the Museum of Natural History in Washington, D. C., is an aquamarine picture under a shining light, and is featured in the cover art I just completed last night, Sunday, July 9, 2023. When the final edit is completed, I will transfer it to a PDF file and also register it with the Library of Congress as an e-book only. That way, I can prove it is copyrighted so that ChatGPT or other “AI apps” can’t steal the copyright! Or criminals residing in various nations…hackers, right?

That said, here is the “official” Introduction to The Murder Rule:

Continue reading “Finalized Introduction to The Murder Rule”


A Further Introduction to The Murder Rule, With More Coming

And here is a “more rigorous” part of the Introduction or Preface to The Murder Rule, which I had stated contained three parts. Here is why there are three parts—the characteristics of the three most important character-types in each of the three parts: entertainment industry celebrities, music industry fans who are heavily influenced by their celebrity idols (and which can apply to any fan of any industry, such as sports, fashion, artwork, novels and books, nature, religion, cults, politics, ideologies…you name it), and industry handlers and controllers, both good and evil (or any handler or controller of a any industry or nation or NGO…you name it). So I am dealing with so-called “influencers” (I wonder who came up with that term!), those influenced, and those handling the “influencers.” These characteristics can apply to nearly anyone on Earth: the masses (the influenced), the controllers (the so-called “elites,” most of whom are simply IMHO parasites), and those that the controllers use to influence the masses (the celebrities and other idols).

Now, The Prodigal Band Trilogy also had these types but is mostly focused on the “influencers” (the prodigal band Sound Unltd) and the controllers (Swami Negran, Cole Blessing, Mark Besst, Torquay and his bankster buddies, and one good guy from the elites who sided with the band, not the controllers—Joe Phillips, a key character in Part Three of The Murder Rule), but does not key in on “the masses” so-to-speak, with one exception—Bobby Jones, a fan and roadie and creator of a song the band will perform in order to aid in their “mission of God” given to them by the forces of Good. Further, while these “forces,” which are spiritual—the Tooters angels and the “witch” Morwenna—play key roles in the trilogy, they are barely mentioned in The Murder Rule. Why? Because The Murder Rule is more “physical world” focused. While the evil that rules this world heavily influences those who carry out the Evil’s missions of death and destruction of what the Almighty God has created, The Murder Rule (while still spiritually inspired) is mainly about exposing the Evil and its minions and their agendas. As Ephesians 6:12 states: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” And part of my mission is the “wrestle” against the spiritual wickedness in high places that controls the “controllers”—the “flesh and blood” the Evil uses to “control” the world so as (it thinks) it can ascend into heaven (Isaiah 14-style, the so-called “five ‘I wills’”). And I hope the reader of this novel will carry out similar missions to expose the Evil and its minions.

Remember: the Evil and its minions will lose, for God—the Creator and the Almighty—not the Evil or its minions, is in control!


My next post will likely be in mid-July. Like I said, more “introduction” info is coming. And the editing of each of the three parts is completed. Next is putting it all together, and the cover art…


Preface to The Murder Rule

A more rigorous Introduction to The Murder Rule is forthcoming.

Using three parts, with each part utilizing characters that make up support or main characters within The Prodigal Band Trilogy, this ‘spin-off’ novel attempts to expose what I have discovered to be a ‘conspiracy’—a truthful one—within the hallmarks of powerful institutions and industries, with focus on the entertainment industry. As with The Prodigal Band Trilogy, those within the entertainment or popular culture industries that fail to ‘toe the line’ set forth by the captains of those industries stand an excellent chance of being ‘cancelled,’ so to speak. Further, those on the fringes of these industries that expose the evil within these industries are also targets, which, in Part Two, includes a rock band roadie that also joins the same cult of which this band are members. Finally, those in industry ‘elite’ circles who turn against ‘the agenda’ of the ‘rulers’ of both the industry and the world in general, even those within elite family bloodlines, are not exempt from danger.

In this novel, I call this ‘danger’ ‘the murder rule.’

In the third novel of The Prodigal Band Trilogy, called The Prodigal Band, is the opening line of the novel—“If dead rock stars could talk.”

In other words, rock stars and others within the pop culture industry that turn against their ‘rulers,’ having realized they partook in evil activities on- and off-stage and inside and outside the recording studio and also partook in debauched lifestyles even to the point of life-crisis, have fallen victim to the consequences of no longer ‘toeing the line.’ Recent examples include Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington and Sound Garden’s Chris Cornell, both of whom, being close friends within rival bands, set out to expose pedophilia rings in and out of the entertainment industry, and more. The false ‘narrative’ claims they committed ‘suicide by doorknob.’ Can one truly hang themselves on a doorknob? I don’t think so! My conclusion is that both were murdered for wanting to expose pedophile rings. Unfortunately, dead rock stars cannot ‘talk.’ If they could, they would expose the truth of it.

But The Murder Rule also features characters affiliated with entertainers who know and want to expose the truth if the evil in the industry. One is a roadie and fan of the prodigal band who joins a cult only to leave the cult upon discovering its evil and thus risks ‘the murder rule.’ Another is the prodigal band manager who never truly went along with the evil agenda that happened to be ruled over by his own father!

To expose evil, but not by giving speeches or lectures or using the tools for videos. To expose evil by utilizing the writing talent God gave me…part of my ‘mission of God’ so to speak, is why I wrote this novel.

                                                                             Deborah Lagarde,

                                                                             June 13, 2023

Hopefully, the Introduction will be completed by the end of June at the latest. Cheers!


“The Murder Rule” Has Been Completed…with Final Edit Upcoming.

I have just completed the preliminary edits for all three parts of The Murder Rule, with a final edit coming soon–and then ‘splicing’ all three parts into one whole novel, and, of course, creating the cover art, copyright pages, and the Preface which I am composing now. The novel will be published by OmegaBooks and will be available as a FREE PDF. For one thing, I do not need the income from book sales, and to get the novel in print form I’d have to pay a possibly large price to get print editions. I could put the novel on Amazon Kindle or another platform, but then I’d have to follow their guidelines as to formatting that I really don’t have the patience to perform just to earn a bit of income from e-book sales and/or royalties…it’s not worth the effort when it is the MESSAGE imparted within the novel, not income, that matters to me. And the MESSAGE is this–the world is ruled by evil! This evil must be defeated!
The next post, which contains parts of the Preface (or Introduction) to The Murder Rule, will be posted later this week. Then the Foreword, which sums up each part, will be composed and partially posted before the end of June, 2023. Cheers!

Note: The picture shown above (that I took with a camera, not a smart phone, back in 2009 while in Washington, DC) may be featured within the cover art.


Why I Will Just Keep On Writing No Matter What:  A Short Statement That is Part of My Mission to Promote Good and Expose Evil

Having just finished editing Part One of The Murder Rule, I am wondering about the course of action I should be heading toward after I finish editing the entire novel—just turn it into a FREE PDF? Just post it by chapters on this site? Post it on Kindle? And then what?

Further, while book sales are fine, I’m not really concerned about book sales, and, having reached well over one thousand downloads of the FREE PDF The Prodigal Band, I’m not really concerned about downloads either. Now, visits to this site have been down a bit lately, so I am wondering if some sort of censorship algorithm (or bots) are in play here, and the down-visits started right about the time I posted that post regarding ChatGPT, basically mocking the notion that some bot or even person would use ChatGPT to “re-write” my novels, which, BTW, are copyrighted and registered with the Library of Congress. Coincidence? After all, the so-called (Ephesians 6:12) “rulers of this world” and “wickedness in high places” don’t like the fact that Christ is my Lord and Savior and these evil forces do not want me to get this word out with the message that acceptance of this is by free choice and I would never force anyone to do this acceptance. But too bad. The forces of evil, spiritual or otherwise, are not stopping me.

And, having said that the forces of evil are not stopping me… One reason I am writing The Murder Rule is because I believe that the minions of the forces of evil—the evil governments and the evil leaders of them, oligarchies run by evil people who want to control you (which is why they crave money—control), leaders of evil ideologies (and I’m not just referring to ‘wokesters’ here…remember, the evil plays both sides using  the “both sides of the same coin” control mechanism) —anyway, these evil leaders want to reduce the world’s populations as well as “transhumanize” us, as well as use the notion of transgender to confuse us, especially young people who may regret later their gender-changing “therapies,” as well as driving fear into our hearts and minds. And what better way to try to convince “the masses” that killing off millions of people is a ‘good idea’ than by murdering those opposed to their evil agenda or those who won’t toe their line or those who speak truth and spiritual goodness? (Example: think Tucker Carlson’s ‘dismissal’ from Fox News here, then ramp it up a few notches!) Thus, the whacked (or ‘dismissed’) truth-tellers cannot blog or video or report this evil to help the masses understand the truth so that the masses can resist the evil agenda and overcome the fear instilled in them.

But they have not “whacked” me yet, so I will continue to expose them, using fiction. After all, if George Orwell and Aldous Huxley and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Kurt Vonnegut (“Harrison Bergeron” author) and others can do it…


When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes: Snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy and The Murder Rule, Part Three

Sorry about the lack of a ‘Happy Resurrection Day’ (aka Easter) post, or Passover, or Ramadan, or whatever other religious holidays are happening these days, but various events took place I had to deal with, vehicle or other issues, and there are other issues forthcoming. Which is why now is the time to post the next ‘When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes’ snippet post—and what with all the bad events going on in this world these days (inflation, various divide and rule agendas involving race, gender, politics, economics, the ‘pandemic treaty’ and digital currencies and whatnot the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are trying to force on the rest of us), good outcomes are what we need, and not just from the realm of spirituality.

Believe it or not, but physical reality can bring about good outcomes even when truly evil events occur, because just as God controls the spiritual realm, He also controls the physical world. And years ago, I heard a story from a friend that shocked the heck out of me, thinking such an event could never happen because—it just seemed impossible! I heard part of this story at a snack party after Christmas caroling about a week before Christmas in the early 2000s, led by a pastor of the local non-denominational church I had just joined a year or so ago.

I and some others were sitting at a dinner table near where snacks were served at another table in the home of one of the carolers, eating the snacks. This friend and a couple of others were discussing something I wasn’t really paying any attention to, and then this friend, who was clearly Asian, said this:

Continue reading “When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes: Snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy and The Murder Rule, Part Three”


Imagine This: Would I Let ChatGPT Write Another Spin-Off Novel? Hmmmmmmm…..

Instead of writing another Snippet-to-Spin-Off post about bad events leading to desired outcomes, this thought just popped into my mind after reading posts about writers or publishers re-working novels or non-fiction using the Artificial Intelligence AI app known as “ChatGPT” (regardless of version…I heard ChatGPT 4.0 was the latest) to rewrite the novels. If indeed this kind of activity is actually true. One thing I’ve come to realize in some online posts, is that some of it is just click-bait and some of it is only partially true. I know for a fact that folks use ChatGPT to create research or college term papers (but not myself…I don’t need AI if you know what I mean! I’m too “old school,” right?) Why pay someone who can actually write and spell correctly and do proper research to write your term paper when you can just download an app and get the app to do it? (Note: a local college student actually paid me to write a term paper back in the late 90s about animal husbandry…which I know little about, but the data online helped me out a bit…) And while this could be construed as “cheating,” it makes sense to some extent—if you can trust AI, that is. But there has been some criticism of ChatGPT, such as ‘it was created by leftist wokesters’ or ‘it isn’t equity-oriented enough’ or ‘it just writes what some tech oligarch tells it to’ or whatever, because if it’s just Big Tech then it’s nonsense, right? I know, I know…it’ll create the actual “Terminator”! Imagine…Arnold Schwarzenegger inventing ChatGPT! Or using it somehow…or maybe Sarah Conner… Bwahahahahahah! (Note: I’m joking, okay?)

But suppose I actually imagined downloading ChatGPT in order for it to actually write another Prodigal Band Trilogy spin-off novel (as is The Murder Rule I am in the process of completing, hopefully by this summer). First of all, could ChatGPT actually write a spin-off unless it actually read any of the trilogy books? Hmmm. Can this app read books by itself? Well, I wonder if it could come to this website and read all the snippet posts; then, maybe, it could accomplish that task. But ChatGPT still might have a problem considering all the spiritual aspects of this trilogy, whether good or evil—can AI actually recognize these spiritual aspects? Does ChatGPT actually think God, or Christ, or the Holy Spirit, or Satan/Corion/Lucifer, or demons, or spirit beings such as Morwenna/witch of the Hovels…does ChatGPT actually think (if it does actually “think”!) these entities actually exist? Or, since The Prodigal Band Trilogy is fiction, would ChatGPT think these entities are just fiction? (Considering many humans think these entities are actually fiction….Hmmmm….)

But here is what came into my head within the past 24 hours, roughly, starting with the fictional notion of ChatGPT writing me a message on MS Word all of a sudden. Remember—this is just a fictional event I imagined.

Continue reading “Imagine This: Would I Let ChatGPT Write Another Spin-Off Novel? Hmmmmmmm…..”


When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes: Snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy and The Murder Rule, Part Two

I said in the previous post that my next post in this new snippet series would be in mid-March, so, here it is, mid-March, after a ‘spring break’ camping trip with family. While during most of the trip I did hiking through forest-river areas, I did consider what could make up the second post—which is similar to the first post about an evil man who repents of his evil and accepts Christ as Lord and Savior in his death bed. Yet in this post, the ‘accepter’ so-to-speak is minutes or even seconds away from death by murder, and this event takes place within Part One of The Murder Rule. And did this victim, Denny Spradlin, a rock star and friendly rival with members of the prodigal band Sound Unltd, actually repent and accept Christ in such a short time before death took him, or is that how his band mate, Blake Fenmore, interpreted a statement the victim left in a metal strong box? Note: Both Denny and Blake are featured in Battle of the Band.

The snippet below (© copyright 2023 by Deborah Lagarde), from Chapter One of The Murder Rule (Part One), contains an email letter from Blake to ‘CalEdit’ of the alternative pop culture magazine, X-Zine, sent in 2005, asking X-Zine to investigate what Blake sees as the murder of his Wolfin band mate and best friend, Denny, in early 1996; Blake had originally told the media it was a suicide or drug overdose, but did so out of fear that if he revealed it was murder, he too would be ‘murder-ruled.’

Continue reading “When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes: Snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy and The Murder Rule, Part Two”


When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes: Snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy and The Murder Rule, Part One

There are several instances of evil or nefarious or just plain bad scenarios and events within both The Prodigal Band Trilogy and the (for now) three parts that will make up the new novel I hope to complete in a few months called The Murder Rule that lead to good outcomes.

Consider that the main idea within the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 Parable of the Prodigal Son is that the son, who leaves his father and in a foreign land partakes in ‘riotous living’ and then suffers the consequences, ultimately realizing he made a huge mistake, begins to turn his life right-side-out and then returns to his father, who celebrates his return and repentance bringing about a good outcome. Because sometimes that is what it takes—an evil or bad event or series of events—to get one to realize that there is a better way forward, physically and spiritually. And this wake-up call can occur even on one’s so-called ‘death bed.’

To begin this new series of snippets from the trilogy and The Murder Rule I will only post one rather long snippet, but others are in the works. The next snippet post in this series will be posted in mid-March.

Continue reading “When Bad Events Lead to Good Outcomes: Snippets from The Prodigal Band Trilogy and The Murder Rule, Part One”


Real World Evil Must Be Exposed, and Fiction is a Good Way to Expose It

I realize I haven’t posted in three weeks while I have been working on completing The Murder Rule, Part Three, and hopefully, this part will complete the novel. But in all three parts, I expose the evil in this world, and feel I must with Divine guidance.

Part One concerns the evil within the music (and also the entire entertainment) industry, from rock to rap and hip hop, ending in the mid-2000s. Part Two concerns the evil within cults that are also connected to the music industry, and how a fan/roadie of the prodigal band got ensnared in them, both New Age and so-called ‘Christian.’ Part Three concerns the evil at ‘the top,’ the rulers of this world, spiritual and physical. In all three cases, the main ‘good guy’ characters—a rock star, a fan-roadie, and a rock band manager descended from aristocracy—are either murdered or threatened with murder. And others affiliated with these characters are also either murdered or threatened with murder. Why murder? Because they refuse to ‘toe the line’ of the evil forces, that’s why.

As to murdered rock stars, this post explains it, and folks like Chester Bennington of Linkin Park and Chris Cornell of Soundgarden were murdered for a reason. As to members of religious cults being murdered just because, I’m sure you’ve heard of a guy named Jim Jones or Charles Manson, both of whom considered themselves as ‘gods’ so-to-speak (plus Manson was also tied to Scientology and the Process Church). And I’m sure you’ve heard or read about various national or world leaders being whacked because in one way or another they would not ‘toe the line’—JFK (who tried to get the US out of the Federal Reserve dollar system with ‘United States Notes’), MLK (who proclaimed the truth that content of character outweighs skin color…now try convince BLM of that these days, or the rest of the ‘woke’ crowd!), a couple of African leaders (who refused the ‘covid vaccines’ for their people), Gandhi (for removing India from British rule, and other reasons relating to the separation of Pakistan from India), the final Czar of Russia (as well as his family, for opposing Bolshevik rule), Yitzak Rabin (Israeli Prime Minister who may have tried to end hostilities with Yassir Arafat’s PLO but the true rulers of Israel wouldn’t put up with that ‘nonsense,’ and, IMHO, Israel’s been cursed ever since, and their new govt. of far-right and religious supremacists wanting a ‘final solution’ to the Palestinian problem…well, millions of Israelis are protesting their own government! And wasn’t good ol’ Benny the Yahoo indicted for criminal activity? Hmmmm….) I’d be here all day trying to name all the world and national leaders either murdered or threatened with murder for not toeing (or is it towing?) the ’new world order’ agenda, past and present.

And, while I am a true believer in Christ and am ‘in the world, but not of the world’ spiritually, I am still here physically, and part of my ‘mission of God’ is to expose the evil in this world, whether it is in the music industry or in all industries! Big Tech. Big Pharma. Big Banking. The whole wokester narrative…. Because spiritually and physically, Satan must be defeated!

Besides, some of the greatest fiction novelists in history, from Alexander Solzhenitzyn to George Orwell to Aldous Huxley to the author of Hunger Games and more have exposed political and other forms of evil that exist today and always. So why shouldn’t I?

Hopefully, the next The Murder Rule snippet post will be in early March. Cheers!


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule (Part Thirteen, Continued)—Based on an Actual Evil Event Taking Place These Days Thanks to the Usual Suspects…Or Serpent?

This is a continuation of a snippet post (copyright © 2023 Deborah Lagarde) from The Murder Rule, Part Three which, as I stated in the previous post here, would be posted this week. Last week’s post concerned the creation of not only an organism that would bring about a ‘plague’ in the near future, but its ‘antidote’ as well. The purpose was to kill off as many people as the creators of this plague, the evil character Foxx and his henchman, Dr. Dorch, desired—because they hated humanity, especially the non-elite folks called ‘useless,’ and because it would serve sacrificial purposes to their ‘god,’ Corion. Foxx was also head of a one-world-government-type organization of various globalist elites called the World Forum Summit. Does this organization title sound familiar? But one of the experimental team members, Masul, is the son of the Prime Minister of the fictitious Central Asian nation of Adabustan, and both he and his father, named Mulabu, are secretly opposed to this evil plot.

In the following snippet, Mulabu, a member of the World Forum Summit (since he is a national leader), attends a secret Summit meeting in London regarding this ‘plague-antidote’ agenda. After all, it was he, as Adabustan leader, who allowed the experiment to be run in a bio-lab within his country, so he was invited to the secret meeting, which takes place in 2017. Mulabu’s son Masul was also in London and they would later meet at a London restaurant. The snippet is below:

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule (Part Thirteen, Continued)—Based on an Actual Evil Event Taking Place These Days Thanks to the Usual Suspects…Or Serpent?”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule (Part Thirteen)—Based on an Actual Evil Event Taking Place These Days Thanks to the Usual Suspects…Or Serpent?

When trying to complete a fiction novel to bring about a climax in the final chapter that is worthy of writing and reading, and when wanting to be inspired by an Almighty Spirit to aid in the cause of that Spirit, one sometimes comes across nearly by accident an interesting concept that can be incorporated into the novel plot, which, with The Murder Rule, involves exposing the Evil that seemingly ‘rules’ this world—think Ephesians 6:12 here, those ‘principalities and powers’ and ‘wickedness in high places.’

In this snippet below, the novel’s ‘Bad Guy,’ nicknamed Foxx, is leading the charge to bring about death and destruction of the world he believes he is a ruler of at the behest of that evil satanic figure I call Corion, and he is using a scenario that is being used by the non-fictional ‘rulers’ of Earth today—or so they think anyway: the evil elites such as the so-called ‘Illuminati,’ the World Economic Forum (the Davos crowd that wants us so-called useless eaters to eat bugs and ‘own nothing’ and ‘be happy’), the World Health Organization (that wants everyone ‘vaxxed’ for a flu-like virus that has a 95 percent survival rate even for the elderly, wearing masks so we can breath in our own CO2, socially distanced so we can no longer hug and bond and love one another as we all get addicted to social media which, with all the negativity in comments and what with the wokesters running the show at the behest of evil, etc.), and government leaders owned by these evil forces, to one degree or another.

And why is the notion of ‘serpent’ even mentioned in the post title? Because about a week ago I came across an article that suggests (supposedly, ‘proves,’ but I need more than one set of ‘proofs’ if you know what I mean!) that the Covid ‘vaccines’ contain…drum roll please…snake venom! From two of the most deadly snakes on Earth—King Cobras and Kraits, no less! Kraits are found in India as well as China, and, according to a VHS video I saw over 25 years ago, a bite by a krait snake can kill within half-an-hour unless the anti-venom is injected. And cobras can be just as deadly. Here is the link to the post which contains a video. The doctor making the video claims that since Satan wants all human DNA to be remastered to remove the God-given DNA while inserting ‘satanic’ DNA, then snake (or as the Bible says, serpent) venom has to be inserted into the DNA by whatever spike protein is made by the ‘vaxx.’ Again, this is the only ‘proof’ that snake venom is part of the ‘vaxx,’ and no one else has verified it, so I really can’t say it is true. Yet, it does make for a very interesting incorporation into the plot of the novel.

Aiding in this ‘serpentine’ scenario is Foxx’s medical buddy, Dr. Dorch, who Foxx has put in charge of creating the ‘plague’ as well as the ‘fix’ for the plague, the ‘vaccine.’ Dorch has a medical team of biologists helping him accomplish this evil deed, making this bio-weapon. Part of this team is a young man just out of medical school who thinks that the plot is part of an evil agenda—and his father is a leader of a fictitious Central Asian nation, named Adabustan.

Note: this leader of Adabustan is mentioned in The Prophesied Band, Chapters 6 and 7, as having been cured of cancer by the fake healer and satan-possessed cult leader, Cole Blessing.

And it is in Adabustan (as with the bio labs in Wuhan, China, where the ‘gain-of-function’ research was done to supposedly create Covid-19) where the ‘plague’ Foxx and Dorch want unleashed onto the world, is created, so they can ‘fix’ it with their snake-venom ‘vaccine’ and make billions in money. The young Adabustani team member is called Masul, and his father, a national leader who, not knowing the nefarious agenda of Foxx, allowed the bio-weapon to be created in his country, is named Mulabu, the Prime Minister of Adabustan. And Masul infiltrated this project precisely to learn the truth of it so as to warn his father.

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule (Part Thirteen)—Based on an Actual Evil Event Taking Place These Days Thanks to the Usual Suspects…Or Serpent?”


Happy New Year! And Cheers to the Truth Within the Popular Culture and Music Industries, and Within the Real World, Censored or Not

Happy New Year…a day or two late. And, while events seem to portend fearful days ahead—only if one lets them be fearful days, that is—every fearful event also seems to have its counterweight as more and more folks world-wide come to the conclusion that this ‘fear’ is being pushed for nefarious purposes that are being exposed more and more as lies for evil purposes.

Let me expose some instances of this exposed evil, but in the popular culture realm, including popular music, which takes a main theme in my novels, completed or soon-to-be completed.

Continue reading “Happy New Year! And Cheers to the Truth Within the Popular Culture and Music Industries, and Within the Real World, Censored or Not”


Merry Christmas! And Some ‘Prophetic’ Warnings ‘Predicted’ Within The Prodigal Band Trilogy

First off, a Merry Christmas to all readers and followers, and to those who have websites and blogs I follow as well. On top of that, have a blessed New Year.

Christmas of course is the celebration of the birth of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, regardless of whether one thinks He was born on December 25 or not. Many claim He was born more likely in fall or autumn due to the fact within the Gospels that harvest time was near, and others claim that the date of December 25 was chosen by early religious authorities to appeal to the pagans who worshiped Mithras and other false gods who supposedly were born on December 25. The fact that He was born is good enough for me!

Further, the Biblical Book of Isaiah, Chapter 53, prophesies His birth and purpose, using passages such as—verse 4: Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; verse 5: But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.; verse 7: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,; verse 12: he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. And other verses. In Isaiah Chapter 7 is this key prophetic verse 14:  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1 verse 23 verifies this prophecy: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Speaking of ‘prophecy,’ just as my The Prodigal Band Trilogy is called what it is called because the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 Parable of the Prodigal Son was a key inspiration for the trilogy, the second novel of the trilogy is called The Prophesied Band for a reason: it contains ‘prophesies’ or, really, predictions, about the future, including some ‘end-times’-like scenarios—when the novel was published in 1998.

Here are some examples, or should I say, snippets indicating predictions which seem to be happening in these days, all from The Prophesied Band.

Continue reading “Merry Christmas! And Some ‘Prophetic’ Warnings ‘Predicted’ Within The Prodigal Band Trilogy”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule (Part Twelve)—Introducing Foxx, the Most Evil Character Within The Murder Rule, Part Three


Update: The original title for the post should have read Part Twelve, not Part Eleven. Glad I finally caught the mistake!

Sorry for not posting in over a month, but this past November was quite busy, including spending time with loved ones in their neck of the woods, south of Houston, as well as shopping, dental work, getting ready for winter, some traveling, and following national and world events within a world seemingly turning more and more evil by the day. And it is this consuming evil that is inspiring me to continue on with this novel, where Part Three is primarily being written to expose this evil. Within corporations and world economies, that whole digital token FTX scandal seemed to be a tip of the iceberg so-to-speak. And, being a former fan of the NFL, I wondered how the so-called “GOAT,” Tom Brady, would handle losing all that money he made as a Super Bowl-winning quarterback!

Then I realized the time of dealing with all these news-worthy distractions had to end, and, in early December, I continued working on The Murder Rule, Part Three. I have written at least two chapters since Thanksgiving.

The narrator is pop culture pundit Lloyd Denholm and the “good guy” character trying to not get “murder ruled” is Joe Phillips, an aristocrat who really isn’t, being the manager of the prodigal band Sound Unltd within The Prodigal Band Trilogy.

In this post I introduce the primary evil character, who, as with Swami Negran (Battle of the Band), Cole Blessing (The Prophesied Band) and Mark Besst (The Prodigal Band), is possessed by the Satan-character called Corion. The name of the character is Ewen Coledge-Foxworth, nicknamed Foxx. Foxx knew Joe Phillips while both attended an elite “public school” academy (in Britain, public schools are actually private schools, while comprehensive schools for the masses are actually public schools) called Broton, located not far from Torquay Manor in the elite area of Surrey, south of London.

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule (Part Twelve)—Introducing Foxx, the Most Evil Character Within The Murder Rule, Part Three”


About The Murder Rule: the Why

As with my post on why I wrote The Prodigal Band Trilogyhere, I need to write about why I am writing The Murder Rule, which is a “spin-off” so-to-speak of that trilogy. Hopefully, the novel will be completed either by the end of 2022 or by the middle of 2023…which, BTW, is a year where likely events that seem to be on schedule to happen play a key role in the final part (or parts, should a Part Four happen after Part Three) of The Murder Rule.

So, why am I writing The Murder Rule? The Prodigal Band Trilogy, based on the Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 parable of The Prodigal Son, deals largely with the spiritual battle of Good vs. Evil whereby ‘the prodigal band’ Sound Unltd repents of their nihilistic behaviors (‘riotous living’ according to the parable) and accepts ‘missions of God’ which leads to accepting Christ as Lord and Savior (‘returns to the father’ according to the parable). The Murder Rule is more of an expose` of the truly evil events within the music industry and the world as a whole, whereby if one tied to these evil narratives ‘leaves the reservation’ so-to-speak and begins to repent or fully does repent of their ties to evil, they just might be ‘taught a lesson’ so-to-speak: either they wind up dead or are threatened with death.

Part One, narrated by a pop culture pundit featured as narrator of The Prodigal Band, Lloyd Denholm, is highlighted by a rocker character featured in Battle of the Band named Denny Spradlin, front man of a rival band to the prodigal band, whom the media reports ‘committed suicide’ in early 1996, but was in fact murdered because he began turning against the music industry ‘narrative.’ To quote a line that opens The Prodigal Band, ‘If dead rock stars could talk,’ which was inspired by actual events as I discuss here and which was picked up by one of my fave alternative news/opinion sites, WinterWatch, here. And since Spradlin supposedly committed suicide—just as several rock stars from the 60s to the 90s supposedly committed suicide when in fact they were murdered for various reasons—is why he was chosen as the victim in Part One of The Murder Rule.

Part Two, narrated by a fan and part-time roadie of the prodigal band Sound Unltd called Bobby Jones, deals with why he later joined the trilogy’s evil new age cult called ‘The Church of the Circle of Unity’ as well as a ‘megachurch’ pastored by a man who wanted to ban his ‘employers’ from the US because of their supposed ‘devil worship.’ When Bobby left the church he committed to the new age cult, but soon regretted that decision. The result? Leaders of that cult, one of whom is featured in The Prodigal Band, tried to ‘teach Bobby a lesson,’ but failed, as Bobby survived a murder attempt (but lost his St. Bernard dog in the process). The character narrating Part Two, Bobby, was chosen not only because he ‘regretted’ partaking in an evil cult, but also because he truly accepted Christ as Savior and composed a song about Christ that would be sold to the prodigal band in Chapter Nine of The Prodigal Band.

Part Three, which I am still working on, is also narrated by Lloyd Denholm and features an important support character within the entire Prodigal Band Trilogy, prodigal band manager Joe Phillips, who is tied to a very elite and powerful family. Yet, he opposes the evil agenda of this family and refuses to take part in the evil agenda and is considered a ‘wayward son’ by these evil family members. Thus, ‘the murder rule’ could also apply to him, even though he is the son of one of the world’s most powerful individuals. Now, why would these powerful individuals seek to destroy members of their own families, or minions whom they needed to carry out their agendas but, at some point, refused to do so?  Here is the proof that even sons of oligarchs or high-level oligarchy minions are not above ‘the murder rule.’ Phillips was chosen as the main character in Part Three due to his elite roots and to show that elite roots won’t necessarily prevent one from being ‘murder ruled.’

Folks, this world seems to be getting more and more consumed by evil as time goes by, and it is my ‘mission’ so-to-speak to expose this evil in fiction mirrored by the evil in the real world often clouded in mystery. Thus, a ‘mystery’ or crime novel based upon truth…with spiritual overtones, of course!


Snippets-to-Spin-offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Eleven)—The Beginning of Chapter One of the Murder Rule, Part Three…and No Spoiler Alerts!

My last post was a month ago! Yikes! But I’ve been busy working on the The Murder Rule, Part Three, and more…as well as considering another part, Part Four, of this new novel. And at this point it looks as if The Murder Rule will not be finalized until next year, 2023. Yet I will summarize this Part of the novel as a scenario that closely matches much of what is happening in the world today.

The Murder Rule, Part Three, begins in a similar fashion to The Murder Rule, Part One, where an entity named ‘Cal.edit’ has another ‘murder-related’ assignment for pop-culture pundit Lloyd Denhom, the narrator of Part Three and Part One; Denholm is a free-lancer for truth-telling pop culture magazine called X-Zine, and ‘Cal.edit’ runs the operation. But the time frame has changed, for it is now 2023, not 2005 as with Part One. The proposed assignment is about investigating another supposed ‘murder’ that was actually reported by the mainstream media as a ‘death’ without giving any details. ‘Cal.edit’ sent Denholm an email about the assignment, giving very few details. But ‘details’ would be revealed in another couple of days by an ‘Agent P,’ a former member of British Intelligence who now worked for X-Zine. In the snippet below, a short one that is summarized in this paragraph, there will be no spoiler alerts, and the person who ‘died’ according to the media is not mentioned either. Enjoy! (The snippet is copyright © 2022, Deborah Lagarde.)

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Eleven)—The Beginning of Chapter One of the Murder Rule, Part Three…and No Spoiler Alerts!”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Ten)—An Introduction to The Murder Rule, Part Three, Exposing Truly Evil Deeds

Another late post…but unanticipated events happen that ‘distract’ or take precedence over completing a fiction novel, such as dealing with crazy weather—while much of the western US is drying out during growing season, far west Texas, desert country, is in one heckuva ‘monsoon’ season. Plus, phone outages, internet outages, and more.

Likely, Part Three of The Murder Rule will be the final part of this novel. Another decision I had to make with Part Three was this—who would become the narrator? Fictional pop-culture pundit Lloyd Denholm narrated Part One and fictional prodigal band roadie Bobby Jones narrated Part Two, so would another character narrate Part Three? In Part Three, a major support character of The Prodigal Band Trilogy, prodigal band Sound Unltd manager Joe Phillips—the son of the evil Baron Torquay-Lambourgeau—becomes the main character. For he knows first-hand the evil that inhabits this world and that must be defeated; in Chapter Twelve of The Prodigal Band, Phillips accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and later, his evil father repents of his many evil deeds and the baron, too, accepts Christ. But having to choose between Phillips and pundit Lloyd Denholm, I chose Denholm to be the narrator…for Denholm is tasked by his employer, the alternative pop-culture magazine, X-Zine, to investigate a series of events that Phillips plays roles in as he exposes the evil in this world—a world that could be on the cusp of what many preachers consider the Biblical ‘end times.’

And what with so many preachers and folks in various religions claiming this world truly is on that cusp, Part Three is being set in the time frame of the present day. I just haven’t chosen a particular year yet. But 2023 or 2024 would seem like a place to start (and, at the final edit of the novel, I could change the date if you know what I mean!).

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Ten)—An Introduction to The Murder Rule, Part Three, Exposing Truly Evil Deeds”


Another Inspiration For The Prodigal Band Trilogy as Well as The Murder Rule—Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’ Novel and Video Series

I am nearly finished with Part Two of The Murder Rule and wondering how I will begin Part Three, which could be the final part of this novel…or not. Hopefully, Part Two will finish by the end of August and Part Three will begin in September.

I have already covered various spiritual and other inspirations for my The Prodigal Band Trilogy and its spin-off, The Murder Rule: Bible scripture and parables, occult and New Age beliefs, rock music, popular culture, occult symbols and rituals, good vs. evil, and more. The articles listed in the menu item Links to All Snippet Posts provide coverage of this topic.

However, I need to point out one more popular culture item not mentioned because this novel, which became a four-part-mini-series that I watched over VHS tape in the mid-90s, definitely helped inspire my trilogy—Stephen King’s The Stand. I am bringing this up now because I recently watched a ‘fan edit’ of this video series on YouTube here, in which nearly the entire series is included (a few parts were left out that likely don’t matter anyway). While watching this nearly six-hour video, I saw parts of it that I remember helped inspire the trilogy, especially the first novel, Battle of the Band. If you’ve never seen the series (even if you read the novel, which I have not), I recommend you watch the whole video, in whole or in parts. (Note: there were changes made in the video series such that there are differences between the novel and the video series.)

Continue reading “Another Inspiration For The Prodigal Band Trilogy as Well as The Murder Rule—Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’ Novel and Video Series”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Nine)—‘Leaving the Reservation,’ Because There is Only So Much Evil One Can Tolerate

Sorry I have not posted here since July 12, and it is already August! But when family members come out to visit and you have to go to El Paso for eye exams and you develop nasal issues with a deviated septum and it takes a week or so to get back to normal…

This snippet post concerns Part Two of The Murder Rule, where lead character Bobby Jones has a decision to make regarding his mid-level membership in the New Age and (satanic) Corion-worshiping cult founded by the evil Swami Negran, the Church of the Circle of Unity. He had also been a member of a Christian church in the fictitious Bay Area city of Richmont led by a pastor, Ike Lawson, who tried to get the prodigal band Sound Unltd—Bobby was a temporary roadie for them in 1993—banned from the USA. When Lawson refused to consider the possibility that even the ‘devil worshiping’ Sound Unltd could accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (which they did, in 2001), which Bobby had brought up with Lawson, Bobby then left that church for good. Then he committed to the Richmont Circle of Unity church led by the evil Cole Blessing (the main ‘bad guy’ in the trilogy second novel, The Prophesied Band), became mid-level, level twenty, and mentored young initiates, including one named ‘Cordian,’ who would bully Bobby in ‘initiation sessions’ that Bobby led.

But on the night of May 1, 1996, an event happened that Bobby witnessed which traumatized him far more than any bully could! It happened in the basement of Cole Blessing’s new St. Xenos ‘church’ palatial estate. Being level twenty, Bobby was forced to watch the event (as did ‘Cordian’ and others). Also mentioned in this snippet is the main bad guy in the third trilogy novel, The Prodigal Band, Mark Besst, a tech oligarch who became inhabited by the satanic Corion. The snippet is below, copyright © 2022 by Deborah Lagarde.

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Nine)—‘Leaving the Reservation,’ Because There is Only So Much Evil One Can Tolerate”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Eight)-The Mindset of the Elites’ Desire to Murder, Using Abortion or Otherwise, ‘Inferior’ Humans.

Part of what the Davos Crowd ‘Great Reset’ plan for 2030 and beyond has to do with population reduction and eugenics. The now-destroyed ‘Georgia Guidestones’ mentioned reducing the world’s population to half-a-million people. Do the research and figure this scenario out for yourself, as it has been in the works for a long time. Their ‘god,’ Satan aka Lucifer, requires blood after all…as do many of the elites—modern-day Count Draculas.

This post was inspired by the recent US Supreme Court decision to overturn the fetal abortion ‘law’ in the case of Roe vs. Wade in 1973. And I am staunchly anti-abortion myself, for abortion is murder, as I have always believed, with the sole exception of having an abortion strictly to save the life of the mother, with the mother’s say-so in that decision (knowing that in the Bible Book of Genesis, Rachel, the wife of Jacob, died when her final son, Benjamin, was being birthed). Further, isn’t it a bit hypocritical to allow ‘my body, my choice’ regarding abortions—as well as ‘gender fluid’ changes and sexual orientation—but not allowing choice by forcing the wearing ‘covid’ masks, forcing one to get ‘covid’ ‘vaccines,’ or forcing one to get various ‘licenses’ to drive, work, forcing taxation, etc.? That is, if one can get an abortion, shouldn’t one also be allowed to practice the ‘right to travel’ enumerated in the Bill of Rights (technically, anyway, since cars weren’t around in the 1780s), or work without a ‘license’ or ‘certificate’? But that is what happens when governments elected by the voters become utterly corrupted…because ultimately these days, governments are run by their ‘donors’ so to speak—the banksters, oligarchs, royal families, and others ‘above the law.’ And who runs these folks I just mentioned? Why, Satan, of course (Ephesians 6:12, the ‘principalities and powers…wickedness in high places.’)

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule and More (Part Eight)-The Mindset of the Elites’ Desire to Murder, Using Abortion or Otherwise, ‘Inferior’ Humans.”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule, and More (Part Seven)—Reaching the Climax

In these final snippets from Part One of The Murder Rule I will post ‘the pre-climax’ so to speak, not revealing the name of the killer of rocker Denny Spradlin in early February, 1996. But this killer did know the man Denholm spoke with in the second snippet, a former rap superstar and record mogul himself, now living in fear for his life should he expose the true killer of Spradlin, among other reasons, such as betraying his oath to ‘the Order’ that Spradlin also betrayed and who suffered murder over it.

Denholm knew that this rap star named ‘Drakk’ was also in hiding, but did not know where. But he figured Drakk’s lawyer in the record label lawsuit that Drakk had lost, because the other side had threatened and bribed the judge to make sure Drakk’s side lost, would know where Drakk was. The lawyer’s name was Wilmont. Denholm made an appointment with Wilmont to find out where Drakk was.

The first snippet is below, and both snippets are copyright © 2022 Deborah Lagarde. The time frame is June, 2005.

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule, and More (Part Seven)—Reaching the Climax”


Even Members of the Evil Elites Can Repent and Receive Salvation: If One of My Most Evil Fictional Characters Can Do It…

Folks, either I am going to write novels about why folks should at least consider accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (because no one should be forced to do so), or write novels exposing the evil in this world, a world ruled by ‘principalities and powers’ and ‘wickedness in high places’ (Ephesians 6:12). The Prodigal Band Trilogy is about a fictitious rock band that after serving evil, repents, and accepts Christ as Lord and Savior—but it also exposes the evil in this world. The novel I am working on now, The Murder Rule, while mentioning main characters that did in fact accept Christ as Lord and Savior, is primarily about exposing evil, and not just in the music industry. Part One is nearly complete and will be finished likely before the end of June, 2022. Part Two is more than half finished. Part Three (and possibly a Part Four), that will also feature important characters from The Prodigal Band Trilogy, will go much further in exposing evil.

The snippet post below, from Chapter Sixteen of The Prodigal Band, features one of the trilogy’s most evil characters who is nearing death, Baron Torquay-Lambourgeau, head of several secret societies serving the satanic character Corion, as well as leading world-wide banker and one of the richest men on Earth. What happened to this man nearing death was miraculous, and I will not provide a ‘spoiler alert.’ But what happened was inspired by the FACT that not all members of the elites are evil, and, in FACT, a few have actually repented and accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.

Continue reading “Even Members of the Evil Elites Can Repent and Receive Salvation: If One of My Most Evil Fictional Characters Can Do It…”


Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule, and More (Part Six)–The Plot Thickens

Hopefully, by mid-June, Part One of The Murder Rule will be completed (and then comes the editing part). It is mostly completed already. Part Two, featuring roadie Bobby Jones, is mostly completed but I need to manuscript the climax and leading up to the climax. Then comes Part Three and maybe, Part Four. The plan is to complete the entire novel, The Murder Rule, before the end of 2022.

This post is the one that leads up to the climax of Part One of The Murder Rule, where narrator and pop-culture pundit Lloyd Denholm begins to come to the conclusion through investigations as to who murdered fictitious rock star Denny Spradlin in early 1996.

Spradlin’s band mate Blake Fenmore has requested of the pop culture magazine X-Zine to have pundit and free-lancer Denholm to find out ‘who done it’ and how. The request was made in Spring, 2005. In this snippet, Denholm meets with Blake at his rock house in the Lake District of northwest England. Below is the snippet, copyright © 2022 by Deborah Lagarde:

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spin-Offs: The Murder Rule, and More (Part Six)–The Plot Thickens”


An Introduction to “Talent for a Mission—A Guide for Christian Authors”

Back in early January 2022, I put up a post here, mentioning a ‘New Years Resolution’ Christian authors might consider, especially authors of fiction, about using the writing talent God gave them to help ‘make disciples of all nations,’ a task Christ Himself assigned to His disciples upon their witnessing that He had risen from the dead (Matthew 28:19). The ‘guide’ is pretty much completed and will likely be uploaded to this site later this year as a FREE PDF for download. Hopefully, it will inspire Christian authors to follow that task! Below is a snippet of the first couple of pages, though I left out a few paragraphs relating to peoples who likely have not ‘heard the Word’ yet, but will at some point, as prophesy claims that before ‘the end’ comes, all peoples will be given the opportunity to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Below is the snippet:

Continue reading “An Introduction to “Talent for a Mission—A Guide for Christian Authors””


Snippets-to-Spinoffs (Part Five): The Murder Rule Part One Meets Part Two

When novels are divided into parts or sequels or series, there always have to be connections from one part to another part, or the next part, or the sequel, or series or trilogy novels. And there must be connections to any novels of which they are ‘spun-off.’

The previous post entitled Proof that my new novel, The Murder Rule, is derived from my Prodigal Band Trilogy (Episode One), shows how the new novel is based on the trilogy. In this post, using characters that narrate Parts One and Two of The Murder Rule, there, too, are references to parts of The Prodigal Band Trilogy. The narrator of Part One of The Murder Rule is pop culture pundit Lloyd Denholm, who is the narrator of The Prodigal Band, and the narrator of Part Two is Bobby Jones, a prodigal band roadie minor character of both Battle of the Band and The Prodigal Band. Within a chapter for Part One of The Murder Rule, Bobby meets with Lloyd at Denholm’s apartment in the fictitious city of Richmont, California, in 2002, so he can reveal what he learned about the ‘suicided’ and murdered rocker, Denny Spradlin, that proves Denny was indeed murdered. The proof comes to Bobby from a prominent support character working for ‘the Good,’ the so-called ‘witch,’ Morwenna, who, along with God’s angels, the Tooters, guides the prodigal band Sound Unltd in their ‘missions of God.’ And a reminder: The Murder Rule is copyright by Deborah Lagarde and will be registered with the Library of Congress when officially published, hopefully, this year. Below is the snippet:

Continue reading “Snippets-to-Spinoffs (Part Five): The Murder Rule Part One Meets Part Two”

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