Spiritual Truth, Yes, But Also Physical Reality Truth Inspired Me to Author My Novels

In the previous post titled “Leaving Spiritual Emptiness Behind” citing the spiritual reasons for writing all of my novels, I state that overcoming spiritual emptiness was a major factor. All of the major book characters, especially in The Prodigal Band Trilogy novels, had to overcome spiritual emptiness, and they did by accepting Christ as Lord and Savior and Redeemer as well as partaking in their ‘missions of God.’ At the same time, physical reality emptiness was also overcome as they all began to live in the real world and left behind the staged-celebrity-persona ‘world’ as they became husbands and fathers and (as to the main female characters) mothers and family-oriented men and women with a more traditional bent.


The non-spiritual aspects of these novels also need to be stated as my own life took on various phases, beginning in the pre-teen and teen years mostly in the 1960s when the music genre called rock n’ roll became foremost, beginning mostly in 1964 with the Beatles and then the so-called “British Invasion” of groups following the so-called Fab Four. While there were some top-notch American bands that followed especially in the latter 60s and the so-called “hippie movement” which featured also the use of hippie drugs, psychedelic or not, the top Brit bands, in my opinion, still ruled the roost: Beatles, Rolling Stones, Cream, Who, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, and more, into the 70s. Thus, I became fascinated by the possibility of visiting England after I graduated high school: and, by the Will of God using my best friend at the time (who was Jewish), my parents set me up for the summer 1970 trip with this friend and a few others (mostly college kids) using the so-called “Interteach” program sponsored by Sussex University near Brighton. We stayed at homes of this program supporters (along with various youth from various European nations, mostly Swedes and Germans). In addition to lectures at the university during the day regarding Europe affairs and the then-Common Market (which morphed into the EU), we made trips to London, Oxford U, Stratford-on-Avon to see a Shakespeare play, and various museums. But while in a pub in Brighton we met folks (mostly teens) willing to chat with us and introduced us to the possibility of attending the 1970 Isle of Wight Rock Festival, Britain’s Woodstock. Me, my friend, and two college kids got tickets, but we then had to rearrange our return to the US—get new plane tickets to return about a week later than scheduled. Then we had to figure out how we’d get to either Southampton or Portsmouth to catch the ferry to the Isle of Wight when many thousands of others would be doing the same in that short time-frame, as the festival lasted from Friday to early Monday. We also knew we could not attend the entire festival; if we left Monday when most others would leave, we’d never make it back in time for the flight home. So, we had to leave before noon on Sunday…meaning, we’d miss, among others, Jimi Hendrix—who just happened to die less than a month later! Oh, and he did not “choke on his own vomit.”

This was the first phase of my life pointing to writing these novels, and is dealt with in Part One of this “physical reality” series: why the prodigal band is British, why they performed the music and the stage antics they did, and why this band is from the Tyneside area, and their Geordie accents—and accent which blew me away when I first heard it.

Beginning in the early 90s during the raising of two children and home schooling them, as well as the beginning of the so-called ‘patriot movement’ and hearing radio broadcasts from alternative newscasters and reading magazine posts of like mind, I developed a “conspiracy theory” mindset. President George HW Bush’s speech in 1989 about a “new world order.” His law stating all children born in hospitals must be immediately given Social Security Numbers, in 1991—which is why we had our daughter at home; hubby was a medic and had delivered babies as had his nurse-medic mother. Because we—not the government!—should decide when our daughter gets a Social Security Number! And then, under Clinton, Waco, and then Okie City, and then a certain standoff out here that happened in spring of 1997… after I had finished and published my first novel, Battle of the Band. After that standoff, I began the second novel, The Prophesied Band, published in 1998. It was around that time I also read John Coleman’s “The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,” one of the ruler agencies tied to this new world order, which also explains the corruption of 60s and forward to today popular culture. And one more item plays heavily into the trilogy, which I learned from a friend back in the early 90s, a woman from the southwest of England—the Duchy of Cornwall, which is OWNED by the Royal Family and Duke of Wales (now King Charles), has a very large population of INDENTURED SERVANTS; that is, these folks owe a part of what they earn to the Royal Family, and thus live in the poorest part of England, and of Europe as well. When I learned this, I made the band’s drummer, Tom, from an indentured family (but not to the Royal Family, but to an oligarch family going back centuries).

To sum up: I learned a lot about not only the ‘rulers’ of the ‘new world order’ they were planning on putting into place (now called “the Great Reset,” Agenda 2030 and more), but who or what was really behind it for what nefarious purposes—some of which are spiritual, of course: rule by the evil forces. This is what Part Two of this series is about.

Along with evil political and economic and spiritual forces researched beginning in the 90s and including today, is an allied phase in my life I adopted to go along with the ‘rock band’ attributes—the evil within the music industry, including testimony by former Zodiac Records official John Todd, a former satanist-turned-Christian, who explains the satanic overtones of the recording of ‘master’ disks aiding in record production. In fact, I learned that those who control the music industry, then and now, practice satanism and many of whom are avowed devil worshipers. It is no accident that those who were considered ‘devil worshipers’ in the rock music world tended to rise to the top and stay there for as long as possible. And I’d say it’s even worse these days….you’ve heard of the behaviors of folks like “P Diddy”…And JayZ. And Beyonce. And more.

Thus, Part Three will deal with how I deal with the evils within the music industry as told in my novels. In short—toe the line, or else! Both the trilogy and The Murder Rule highlight this, in more ways than one.

Part One will appear next week.

Use the menu above to read snippet posts of the novels, download the FREE PDF The Prodigal Band as well as the FREE PDF The Murder Rule, and more. Cheers!

Author: deborahlagarde

Born on Long Island, NY, in 1952, now live in the mountains of far west Texas. Began writing fiction stories at about 8 years old with pen and loose leaf paper, and created the characters in my Prodigal Band Trilogy as a teenager. From the 70s to the 90s I created the scenario which I believe was inspired. While bringing up and home schooling my two children I continued to work on the novels and published "Battle of the Band" in 1996 and "The Prophesied Band" in 1998. Took off the next several years to complete home schooling and also working as an office manager for the local POA. In 2016, I retired, then resumed The Prodigal Band, a FREE PDF book that tells the whole story to its glorious end. Hint: I'm a true believer in Christ and I'm on a mission from God, writing to future believers, not preaching to the choir. God gave me a talent and, like the band in my books, I am using that talent for His glory, not mine (and, like me, the band is on its own journey, only fictional.) I also wrote for my college newspaper and headed up production, was a columnist in a local newspaper in the early 2000s, and wrote for and edited "Log of the Trail," the news letter for the Texas Mountain Trail Writers, and wrote for and edited it's yearly catalog of writings, "Chaos West of the Pecos." OmegaBooks is my self-publishing sole proprietorship company founded in 1995. Other jobs included teaching secondary math, health aide, office worker, assembly line work, and free-lance writing and bookkeeping,much of it while home schooling.

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