Snippets of Reality Within The Prodigal Band Trilogy: Past and Present Real World Influences on the Evil Characters

The previous snippet here dealt with end-time scenarios of a kind I am seeing on many pop culture and news websites thanks not only to the corona virus but mainly the reaction to this so-called pandemic by ordinary people, medical ‘experts,’ tech oligarchs, governments, and religious leaders who seriously think we are in those ‘days of Noah.’ Note to these religious leaders: God, not you, gets to decide when the end times are coming! You might be right, but stop the fear mongering anyway! Fear mongering and preparing for the end times are two different things!

End times or not, it does seem that this world is ruled by evil forces. I still do not know exactly how this corona virus started or where it started but there are a multitude of conspiracy theories about this including the notion that some ‘deep state’ group or big-pharma-techie alliance for vaccine profit got this going in some lab somewhere just because, or something else. So, did some evil group create this so-called pandemic to set up some globalist order or a system to track every person on the planet? Snippet three in the previous snippet post brings this up, only it is not a chip but an ID card. Supposedly, some tech geniuses want to put some tracking chip into a coming corona virus/covid-19 vaccine. Some are calling this chip ‘the mark of the beast.’

Back to the evil forces. The Bible verse Ephesians 6:12 lays this out–‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ (KJV, copyright-free) And that ‘spiritual wickedness’ is what controls the minions of evil, who will do whatever it takes to control the world and its people. Did they create this virus? Maybe. But it seems more likely they are using corona virus for their evil agenda; different minion groups have different evil agendas. If tech oligarchs combined with big pharma and others are creating a vaccine with a tracking chip as some claim, then that is, indeed, part of an evil agenda. Our Bill of Rights allows not only freedom of speech, thought, religion (or not), but also freedom of assembly. Without these rights, folks get anxious and fearful–perhaps that is what evil wants.

Notice I mentioned alliances between tech firms and ‘big pharma’ or what some would call ‘healers or philanthropists.’ And it just so happens (again, divine guidance) that two of my most important evil characters, Cole Blessing (The Prophesied Band) and Mark Besst (The Prodigal Band) are ‘healer/philanthropist’ and ‘tech oligarch,’ respectively. The first two snippets, from The Prophesied Band, feature Cole Blessing. The second two snippets, from The Prodigal Band, feature Mark Besst. Both Blessing and Besst, as with Swami Negran, have a task that their evil god Corion has given them and must be completed: get the prodigal band, Sound Unltd, to sign an ‘allegiance oath’ giving their souls to Corion.

Continue reading “Snippets of Reality Within The Prodigal Band Trilogy: Past and Present Real World Influences on the Evil Characters”

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